You can send us a service request by phone, email or by filling out the form below:
Name First name Last name Email* TelephoneMy child(ren) suffer(s) from the following disorder(s): Aggressiveness Anxiety Self-mutilation Depression Attention deficit disorder Oppositional disorder Learning difficulties Stress Suicidal thoughts Suicide attempt Grief/Loss Intimidation Conflict Victim of physical abuse Victim of sexual abuse Other As a parent, I find myself in the following situation: Overwhelmed Depression Separation/Divorce Conflictual relationship Difficulty establishing a routine Difficulty establishing boundaries Other Additional information:Newsletter I agree to receive news about services offered by the CAP through a newsletter. However, I reserve the right to unsubscribe at any time.
Name First Name Last Name Email* TelephoneAdditional information:PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
150 chemin Montréal, office 300
Ottawa, Ontario, K1L 8H2
613-789-2240 ext 0
[email protected]
crisis line
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